The Nigerian Nation began bleeding the day the military seized control of the government; first General Aguiyi Ironsi then General Yakubu Gowon , and on and on to General Sani Abacha, arguably the most notorious of the decadent lot!

Their failure to secure the Nation's Internal peace and grow its economy can be located in their mindset, a product of their training. The military only understands a unitary system of central command. For the soldier order from above is the only order. In his mind, the arguments, the negotiations; the give and take of the democratic process is an irritant, a mere waste of time.

Unfortunately for Nigeria, even when the soldiers handed government to civilians they left a Trojan Horse at the seat of government; that Greek Gift is the 1999 Unitary, military-style Constitution.!

Until the country is Restructured along the lines of the recommendations of the 2014 Confab ; Decentralization of Federal Government offices for easier access, Devolution of Powers to States ,so that they can establish their own security forces, for example, and Diversification of the economy to end over dependence on oil , allowing States to utilize other minerals such as Bitumen, Phosphate, Limestone, Gold , Bauxite and Uranium. If we fail to amend the 1999 Constitution to reflect these structural adjustments, Nigeria will know neither peace, economic growth, or good governance.

Therefore, today as we remember October 1st, 1960, rather than jubilate or celebrate we should mourn the impending death of the Nation.

Nigeria has been bleeding since 1967, but with the current levels of insecurity, illiteracy, homelessness, poverty, and mutual distrust, Nigeria is gone beyond bleeding, the Nation is hemorrhaging; a bleeding unto death!

So, on this unhappy birthday, I say may God have mercy on Nigeria, and may the wrath of the Almighty fall on the perpetrators of Political ethnic cleansing, and Administrative Genocide. And may their punishment come sooner than later!

Dr Adetokunbo Pearse, Public Affairs Analyst, PDP Stakeholder.
