Dear Sir.
It's sad to say, but your Vanguard Interview of 5th November 2021 was filled with subterfuge, fallacies and contradictions. An exercise in frivolity !

In one breath you announce your determination to step down from PDP Leadership position after the 2023 elections, and in the same breath you proclaim, " Generals don't retire, they only fade away ". Since you are one of the Generals in question, what you have said in effect is that you have no intention of retiring; that we should just allow you to 'fade away'. This manner of thinking is very disingenuous. It appears to be a strategy for you to remain Leader For Life !

Let me point to another clandestine dimension to your insincerity of purpose. This is not the first time you are giving notice of your intention to step aside from the leadership position. You said you would leave in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020, but each time you stayed on. You have never kept your word on this issue . Why should anyone believe you now !

Your failure to keep promises in the past is enough evidence that promising to leave PDP Leadership position after the 2023 election is a mere decoy; a ploy to divert criticism away from you for now. You crave another Opportunity to lead Lagos PDP into the upcoming election of 2023.
But given your failure in 5 General Elections; 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, and 2019, that proposition is untenable. It is imperative that you retire now and, not after another defeat in 2023!

The argument that you should vacate the leadership of Lagos State PDP now is predicated on your dogged commitment to the sharing of Party offices.
This anti-democratic policy of Consensus among selected leaders has always led to rancour and disharmony. Those aspirants who are not chosen will always have a legitimate reason to disagree. Their supporters within the party will then constitute themselves into a faction, and a face off between the factions triggers the party's downward slope toward defeat at the next general election. This has been the pattern throughout your tenure as leader.!

There is really no neater, nor a more credible alternative to a free, and open democratic election. The beauty and legitimacy of the democratic process was dramatized recently at our Party's National Convention in Abuja. How else could the supporters of Arapaja have convinced stakeholders that he should hold the office of Deputy National Chairman, South.? How could anyone have convinced Oyinlola and his backers that he would lose to Arapaja. ?

An open and fair democratic election solved the problem. Unfortunately, this is the same noble system you oppose when you declared in another interview, this time in the Tribune Newspaper of 6th November 2021, and I quote, "Let's sit down, and call people from both sides and let's look at the contestants --- and settle the State Exco by Consensus or by discussion "In this interview, you went further to state that with the application of what you term, the" tradition of automatic transition" , you had decided long before the State Congress of 16th October 2021 at TBS that late State Secretary, Muiz Dosumu was going to be the next State Chairman. In your own words, " We say yes, he (Muiz Dosumu) should step into the position of Chairman because he was the one that was bringing the 35/65 groups together"

Further still, you went on to rationalize why you were prepared to install Dr Fawole as the next PDP Lagos State Chairman, following the death of Muiz. Fawole passed your test for "automatic transition", and again in your own words, " Fawole has a very large medical hospital in Surulere and also has a chamber and he still goes to court as a lawyer.

I have quoted you in some detail in order to erase any suggestion that I write out of malice, or in order to settle a personal score. It is your own words that implicate you !

Here is irrefutable evidence that you have no respect for the tenets of Democracy. Your so called 'Consensus 'is just another term for 'Imposition' Your practice of ' automatic transition ' is a flagrant abuse of the democratic rights of aspirants. You behave as if you own the party and all its assets. You have assumed the powers of a deity. This is probably why your devotees call you ' Supreme Leader'

But here is another incontrovertible reality ; your supreme leadership has been far from supreme, in fact it has been a disaster; failure after failure, an extreme case of incompetence. Your autocratic style of political leadership has led to nothing but 20 years of failure !

I put it to you sir, that you have been a cog in the wheel of progress for Lagos State Peoples Democratic Party, because you have failed to advance the cause of free, open and fair elections.

In order for democracy to have a chance in Lagos PDP your dictatorial leadership style must come to a close. For the faithful, and dedicated members of our party to have a say in choosing their representatives, you must step aside with immediate effect !

If you truly love the PDP, and you care for the future of the younger generation, as you say you do, you will agree that it is time to retire and allow a more inclusive system of leadership to bring an end to 20 years, and 5 Election Cycles of ineptitude ! Through this Lagos State PDP will be able to offer the citizens of Lagos ,dynamic and progressive elected officials; in this way members of our Great Party will have an opportunity to join fellow Lagosians in the enjoyment of the dividends of Democracy !

Yours Truly, 
Adetokunbo Pearse, PhD. Public Affairs Analyst, PDP Stakeholder.
Convener Reset Lagos PDP

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