Why Lagos State PDP must Hold Elective Congress NOW !

There is nothing wrong with Harmonizing in of itself. It is a legitimate alternative to open Election. But for such an agreement to work the parties seeking Consensus must act in good faith. They must first agree that they are equal partners in the arrangement. And secondly they must hold on to only what has been allotted to them in the sharing formula.

After Lagos State Stakeholders meeting with PDP South West Leader Governor Seyi Makinde, information filtered out that a consensus had been reached. Lagos State leaders we were told had agreed to a sharing formula for positions in the State Executive Committee of the party. Most Party members were not happy with the deal. Their preference was a full blown Congress, such as the one that was truncated by some irresponsible elements on 18th October 2021. But for sake of peace some of us were willing to work with the consensus arrangement, as imperfect as it was.

Unfortunately, Chief Olabode George, the man who championed the Harmonization arrangement was the one to go against the spirit of the arrangement. Barely a week after the peace talks, we saw video of High Chief Bode George and his associates dancing for joy, announcing Bode George's reclaiming of Leadership of Lagos State PDP. George they sang had outwitted, and subdued his enemies. Through these utterances , Bode George and his people had betrayed the first principle of the agreement ; which was that the Parties involved in the negotiation must regard each other as equal , no Victor and no vanquished !

Having been assured of his Supreme powers by praise singers and sychophants, High Chief Bode George then proceeded to violate the second principle of the agreement, by claiming not only the position allotted to him , but positions allotted to other Leaders. We are informed that to that effect he has produced a 'Unity List' consisting of names as well as offices of his own for which delegates must vote.

Chief Olabode George has by his actions violated the terms of the Harmonization arrangement which would have given him 'soft landing' , and save him from the prospect of embarrassment at an open Election. Greed and arrogance have led the Chief astray.! He must now face the party faithful, and the delegates at a duly organized, open and democratic Congress.
It is virtually impossible for an aspirant to know whether he or she is presumed qualified for a position without going through the process of Election.

The Exercise of primaries in a political party has a number of advantages.

(1) It provides participating members rehearsal for the rigours of forthcoming general elections.

(2) It serves to motivate the party faithful, and prepare them to face the opposition as a unified force.

(3) Primaries in every Political party are usually tumultuous ; like the tensions associated with sibling rivalry. Though problematic, it's a necessary internal battle which serves as a purgation for the soul of the party.

To bypass primary elections is to deny members critical practice in the electoral process. Without primaries the party cannot fully understand its challenges ; its strengths and weaknesses. The party will not know what it must do in order to prepare for, and win the general election; the real election.

Leaders who are eager to harmonize or select candidates are enemies of Democracy, depriving aspirants who are not their choice an opportunity to compete. They are afraid of Elections because they are aware of their own shortcomings, and the unpopularity of their aspirants.

In any case, it is virtually impossible to convince an aspirant that he or she is not the best candidate outside of a bonafide Election outcome. Ignored aspirants and their supporters are bound to feel cheated. These aggrieved members become the enemies within. The would-be harmonizers now become agents of disharmony ; unwittingly creating a state of rancor and disunity within the political family.

When you fail to prepare members for the battle ahead , and you go into a general election in a state of disunity you have sealed the faith of the Election. You are bound to lose.

This scenario of lack of preparation has been the Hallmark of the Bode George led PDP since 2003. Chief Bode George's phobia for primary Elections has established his reputation as an enemy of democracy; an antagonist of progress !

His infantile determination to have his way always , and his arrogant disregard for the feeling or opinion of others invariably engenders disunity within the party before every General Election.

The resultant effect of lack of internal democracy in the Chief Bode George led Lagos State PDP has been repeated electoral loses; in 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, and 2019.

The current effort by Chief Bode George to avoid a State Congress by so called harmonizing is his trade mark. imposing his hand picked candidates for the control of the state's Executive Committee, and for the purpose of access to Election funds. Bode George's cynical approach to elections has led to 20 years of failure in 5 General Elections.

If Lagos State PDP is to stand a chance of victory in 2023 , it must compel Bode George and his associates to go through the process of electing a legitimate party State Executive in a democratically held Congress. The party must also get rid of leaders such as Chief George who have no passion for winning, and who have grown too accustomed to losing general elections !

Dr. Adetokunbo Pearse, Public Affairs Analyst, PDP Stakeholder, Convener RESET LAGOS PDP
