Distinguished Members of our Great Party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Friends and Family, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Media, thank you all for your presence here today.

Lagos State PDP is developing a new attitude. It is an ambitious attitude. It is a winning Attitude. I align myself with that attitude completely. With this winning mentality, and with your support, by the grace of God, I will win this Senatorial race to become the Senator representing Lagos Central come 2023.!

Our delegates in particular have assured me that they will never again vote for aspirants whose strategy is to win the Primaries, collect Election Day funding, stach the money under their bed and go to sleep.

I could not agree with the delegates more. In fact, I regard such money-hungry aspirants as despicable people who should be made to face criminal prosecution. !

Please allow me to reiterate my commitment. Within days after winning the Primaries, I will embark on an aggressive, and comprehensive campaign. My plan is to win the General Election, nothing short of victory will do.!

And the path of PDP to victory in Lagos State has never been clearer. Our main opposition, the ruling All Progressives Congress, (APC) is in disarray. Many members of the factions within the party are ready to cross over to PDP, following the example of Lagos4 Lagos.

The political climate could hardly be more favorable for Lagos State PDP. Despite lingering issues, we are united as a party under the Ivoji led State Executive Committee, and for the first time in a long time, we have the tacit encouragement of our Party at the National level, and the unwavering support of Governor Seyi Makinde, the leader of our Party in the South West Zone.

In contrast, things are falling apart in the APC. The disintegration of the party deepens with each passing day, and the people of Lagos irrespective of political party affiliation are ready to get rid of APC's tyranny and 20 years of misrule in Lagos State.

It is with this political climate in view that I make bold to say that if nominated to represent PDP. in the Lagos Central Senatorial race I will defeat any candidate coming from APC in a resounding manner.

Additionally, considering the shameful performance of APC Senators in Lagos, it should not be difficult to see why they should, and will face defeat in this coming election.

Consider some troubling facts about the current crop of Senators from Lagos State: the Senator representing Lagos East says nothing in the National Assembly. He is Tinubu's personal banker and is only in the National Assembly to coordinate his master's finances. The one representing Lagos West is actually an Ogun State indigene who openly boasts of diverting the resources of Lagos West for the development of Ogun State where he hopes to be governor one day. Just last week, Senator Yayi, representing Lagos West Senatorial District ; (10 of 20 LGA's in Lagos State) announced his intention to run for Senate in Ogun State.

Lagos Central Senatorial District for its part has been represented; perhaps more appropriately, misrepresented for the last 11 years by Madam Remi Tinubu. In the National Assembly, this woman has developed a reputation for impunity. She is known to trade insults, and even get into fisticuffs with fellow Senators in the hallowed chamber. Senator Tinubu's reputation as a cantankerous and belligerent person also transcends into the Lagos Community. She is well known for her short temper and willingness to trade insults with constituents.

Apart from her lack of decorum, and flaw of character, the Lagos Central Senator has also been found wanting in the discharge of her duties to the people of Lagos Central. The # ENDSARS Lekki toll gate tragedy happened right in the middle of her district, but Senator Tinubu was silent. Another insensitivity to the plight of young people was expressed in her alleged declaration that the Youth who appeal to her for financial assistance are lazy people who do not want to work for a living. It appears that Senator Tinubu's interest in being a Senator is not to serve the people of Lagos but to promote her husband's image, and preserve the family business empire.
In contrast to these "Bourdillion street Senators", I will devote myself to the service of residents of Lagos Central, and not to any leader or private interest. I will not involve myself in personal squabbles, but rather focus on issues that will advance the interest of my constituents.

The main policies which I will pursue at the National Assembly as a Lagos State Senator are as follows
(1) Special Mega City status for Lagos State. This will help Lagos State in handling the pressures placed on Lagos by mass migration of population into Lagos, and Federal Government pressures on State infrastructure; roads, and bridges.
(2). Full State Autonomy Over Lagos Inland Waterways. The Federal Government must not be allowed to usurp marine assets of the State. (3) Reinvigorate abandoned Federal Government Projects such as Apapa Port Community Infrastructures, Lekki - Epe Coastal Road, and Badagry Deep Seaport project.
(4) Press for Restructuring the Nigerian Federation : (a). Decentralization of Federal Offices to States for ease of access.
(b) Devolution of more Federal Authority to States to enable States control; for example security, Federal roads, and Power.
(c). Diversification of the Economy to include State Control over their Mineral Resources, ( this will reduce the country's over-dependence on oil.)and State control over Local Taxes such as VAT.

My interaction with the community will be an established custom.
My efforts on behalf of the Constituency will be communicated to the residents through regular Town Hall Meetings and frequent media sessions.

If I am blessed enough to win the PDP Primaries, and go on to become the Senator in 2023, I pledge to do all I can to achieve unprecedented results for the benefit of Lagosians in general and for the people of Apapa , Etiosa, Lagos Island, Lagos Mainland and Surulere in particular.

I am Adetokunbo Pearse. Thank you for coming. Goodbye, and God bless!

Some pictures taken at the event
