California doctor performed U-TURN on Devil's Slide cliff before driving Tesla off edge with wife and two young children

The Pasadena doctor charged with the attempted murder of his wife and their two young children by intentionally driving their Tesla off the slide of a 250ft cliff has been pictured today for the first time.

Dharmesh A. Patel, 42, works as a radiologist at Providence Holy Cross Medical Center in Pasadena.

He is accused of intentionally driving his white Tesla Model Y off a cliff known as Devil's Slide on Monday near San Francisco, during a trip north.

Miraculously, all four members of the family - Patel, his wife Neha and their kids aged four and seven - survived without any serious injuries.

nitially, there were questions over whether the car - which is famous for its self-driving technology - had gone rogue and taken the family off the road by mistake.

Now, some are asking whether the vehicle - which has airbags adjacent to the two front seats in addition to in front of them - actually saved them.

On Tuesday, police charged Patel with attempted homicide and child abuse, alleging that the incident was an attempted murder-suicide gone wrong.

He has not yet been formally booked, and is still in Stanford Hospital.

It's unclear whether his wife and kids are still receiving treatment in the hospital, or if they have been discharged.

Neighbors told CBS News of their shock after learning the allegations against Patel.

Culled from the Dailymail
